car dismantlers, scrap yard, breakers yard, co.kildare, ireland

Refunds and Returns

Refunds and Returns

If you buy a part from us and you are not satisfied with it you have 2 weeks for 2nd hand/used part and 28 days for new part to return to us for full refund. We do how ever regularly extend this period upon request but requests must be made with in the returns time frame.

Free Returns

Free returns are available for people who pay using Paypal or a card on the website.To submit a Refund Request, click t

1)The completed online claim form submitted via;
2)The confirmation email for your PayPal transaction or a screenshot of your PayPal account showing that the entire price was paid using your PayPal account and displaying the PayPal transaction ID; and3)A copy of your return shipment receipt that shows the amount you paid.

a.If you use a service that tracks shipment, the receipt should also show the seller’s address;
b.If you use regular post (with no shipment tracking), we also need a photo of the package showing the seller’s address.
4)If the return costs were deducted from the refund of your item, we also need a copy of the refund email from the seller or PayPal, showing the amount refunded to you.

Documents must be clearly legible and emailed Please keep the original documents as you may be asked to provide new copies if the copies are not sufficiently legible.